Benita Elizabeth Varghese

Benita Elizabeth Varghese

Associate Content Manager

Benita has 10 years of experience as a Content Marketer in IT. She has a Masters in English Literature with a minor in Psychology & Journalism, all of which adds to her expertise in effective communication as a marketer.

LLM Agent Desks | Navigating the Big Question - Build vs. Buy?

LLM Agent Desks | Navigating the Big Question - Build vs. Buy?

Struggling to choose between building or buying an LLM agent desktop? This blog explores the complexities of both options and offers a guide to making the best decision for your business.

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Why Your Contact Center Can't Afford to Ignore AI?

Why Your Contact Center Can't Afford to Ignore AI?

Revamp your contact center with AI. Overcoming challenges, boosting efficiency, and enhancing customer satisfaction. Discover SearchUnify AI-powered solution, SUVA.

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Optimizing Community Search for Better User Experience

Optimizing Community Search for Better User Experience

Discover how to optimize your community search, improve user experience, and boost engagement, and the importance of crafting effective search queries.

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