
Key Takeaways from TSIA’s Report on Ameliorating KM Initiatives with Analytics

We are living in the information age, which makes knowledge one of the most potent weapons in a company’s arsenal. Seamless and timely access to relevant information can make or break a company’s ability to stay competitive. Given the importance, organizations must manage their knowledge effectively. But there’s a problem.…

Artificial Intelligence or Augmented Intelligence – What You Need To Know Before Adopting AI

A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human. – Alan Turing Gartner has predicted that the business value derived from AI will reach a maximum of $3.9T by 2022. But the report also states that about 20% of…

8 Best Practices for Working from Home

These are unprecedented times. Conferences and events are moving online, e-meets and work from home are becoming the new norm. Telecommuting or work from home (WFH) is not new for some whereas some of us would be dealing with it for the first time. Although the concept of WFH is…

Why Integrating Vision with Technology is Paramount for Enterprise Search Success

The amount of digital information created and replicated is growing by leaps and bounds. The good news is Enterprise search solutions help organizations to deal with this sea of data efficiently. Thus, streamlining the workflow, driving profits and making the right information available at the right time. But the bad…

3 Reasons You Should Attend Our Webinar On Cognitive Search: The Missing Chapter In Your Chatbot Story

Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) and SearchUnify are hosting an interactive webinar on March 26, 2020 where our CTO Vishal Sharma will be joining John Ragsdale, Distinguished VP of Research - TSIA, and Omar Fdawi, Sr. Research Associate, Enterprise Technology - TSIA. The trio will be discussing some interesting aspects…

How Cognitive Search is Opening New Roads for Education Industry

A quick search on 'AI across industries ' will reveal a number of results that stress upon the same thing: the need for a digital brain. Well, thanks to cognitive search, it’s not just possible but quite easy too. But when it comes to the education sector, the challenges are…

Driving Value Out Of Customer Data With Actionable Search Analytics

This isn’t a blog post about how important enterprise search is for your business. I’m assuming that you’re armed with a good search solution and have the basics down. It’s about stepping on the gas by focusing on your enterprise search analytics. A capable search engine provides tonnes of reports,…

Proactive Support: The Catalyst to Deliver Next-Gen Customer Service

“Your customers are the lifelines of your company, and they need to be treated likewise.” Customer loyalty is something that keeps service providers up at night. If 32% of customers would stop doing business with a brand they loved after one bad experience and a staggering 92% after two or…

3 Reasons You Should Attend Our Webinar On Augmented Intelligence: The Future Of Enterprise Search

We’re hosting a webinar with guest speaker Miles Kehoe, Founder & President, New Idea Engineering. It will focus on how augmented intelligence can change the face of AI adoption for enterprises & help ‘em build a robust search strategy. Register here. If the title of webinar wasn’t enough to lure…

Taxonomy and Its Role in Intelligent Search

Imagine a library with no computers and no card catalogs for searching the inventory. It would indeed be futile for anyone who is looking for a particular book or topic. The same is the case with the digital world: Businesses are flooded with internal documents and assets that are stored…

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