Capture Tacit Knowledge With Intelligent Knowledge Agents

‘’Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.’’

~ Peter Drucker (Father of Management)

The knowledge your team holds is more than just a resource, it’s a valuable asset for an organization’s success. What happens when a team fully taps into the collective expertise of products, services, customers and industry?

The potential unlocked is no secret because the more knowledge your employees share, the more productive and profitable your company becomes. Much of this knowledge is easily captured from how-to-guides, customer interactions, FAQs, or from the daily operations.

But, what about deeper insights that can’t be documented easily? The unique customer handling tactics, intuitive problem-solving, and years of experience – this knowledge (tacit) is also valuable.

To achieve operational excellence and deliver superior customer experiences, customer support managers and knowledge workers need to understand the intricacies of tacit knowledge.

Let’s start with understanding the basics.

Defining Tacit Knowledge

Knowledge that cannot be codified or articulated. Unlike explicit knowledge, which is readily available and easily documented, tacit knowledge resides in experiences, observations, insights and learnings. Most knowledge that employees have is considered tacit knowledge. Losing it slows down onboarding and training. In short, tacit knowledge is context-specific and related to an individual’s experiences.

Importance of Tacit Knowledge in Customer Support

Tacit knowledge plays a pivotal role in resolving intricate customer support issues. Here’s how:

Enhanced Problem Solving Leading To Quick Case Resolutions

Customer support agents rely on their accumulated experience, insights and knowledge to diagnose and solve complex issues. Tacit knowledge helps them draw from past encounters and apply intuitive problem solving strategies that aren’t documented in knowledge bases or manuals.

Personalized Customer Interactions Leading To Higher CSAT

Tacit knowledge is a huge contributor to personalized customer interactions. Agents who understand nuanced customer needs, develop a sense of understanding through experience and expertise, move forward to an effective communication process. With an added personal touch, strong customer relationships are built ensuring higher customer satisfaction levels.

Complex Cases Solved Quickly and Easily

Experienced support agents use their tacit knowledge to navigate through intricate customer issues effectively. That’s how they can anticipate potential problems and provide solutions swiftly, thus reducing the time spent on case resolution.

Barriers To Managing Tacit Knowledge

Due to its inherent nature, managing tacit knowledge is daunting. Given below are the most common challenges faced:

Knowledge Transfer

Transferring tacit knowledge from experienced employees to the new ones is an intricate process. Unlike explicit knowledge (which can be documented and shared easily), tacit knowledge is difficult to articulate and document.

Knowledge Retention

Most often when experienced employees leave the organization, tacit knowledge leaves with them. It’s a loss that significantly impacts organizational performance and customer support quality.

Integrating Explicit Knowledge With Tacit Knowledge

Integration of tacit knowledge within the existing explicit knowledge systems is complex. Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) keep storing and retrieving documented information, leaving the less tangible aspects of knowledge aside.

Enters Knowbler – To Capture Tacit Knowledge With Ease

SearchUnify Knowbler is an intelligent, knowledge-centered customer service product designed to streamline knowledge creation and maintenance. Powered by advanced machine learning algorithms, Generative AI, and Large Language Models (LLMs), Knowbler empowers enterprises to capture, structure, find, reuse, improve, and optimize knowledge seamlessly within their workflows. By integrating Knowbler directly within their workflows, enterprises can enhance their agent productivity, knowledge base quality, customer support, and self-service experiences.

Here’s How Knowbler Does It

Knowbler is KCS V6 aligned tool that augments knowledge workflows with its machine learning and generative AI capabilities.

  • Capture: Enables auto-generation of titles & case summary to capture knowledge within your workflow.
  • Structure: Converts case information into a well-structured knowledge article using best-in-class templates.
  • Find: Enables searching and previewing existing KB articles within the product for better findability.
  • Reuse: Simplifies knowledge sharing by attaching case articles/resolutions within the workflow.
  • Improve: Enables using, reviewing, flagging, and updating existing articles within the workflow.
  • Optimize: Leverages a robust reporting module to help knowledge managers monitor the content performance.

Real World Impact Created By Knowbler

Knowbler has been a game-changer for modern enterprises, enhancing their knowledge management program with intelligent knowledge agents.

Here is one we are proud of:

Wrap Up

Capturing and managing tacit knowledge is pivotal to operational excellence and customer satisfaction. Knowbler streamlines the process, empowering enterprises to boost problem-solving, retain valuable information and personalize customer interactions. From boosting productivity to fostering a culture of knowledge sharing, Knowbler does it all.

With Knowbler, knowledge creation and management is here to stay. Because it makes knowledge workers’ lives easier with predefined templates and analytical reports.

Ready to capture and create knowledge?

Request a live demo today!

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