From Good to Great: How Accela Leveraged AI-Powered Search and Conversational AI to Achieve a 99.7% Self-Service Cost Saving

In today’s digital-first world, providing seamless customer support is no longer a luxury—it’s an expectation. However, scaling support effectively while keeping costs in check can feel like a tightrope walk. At TSIA Orlando 2024, Accela, a leading provider of cloud solutions for governments, shared their journey from “good” to “great” digital support experiences—and how SearchUnify played a pivotal role.

The Challenge: Content Chaos and Siloed Support

Like many organizations, Accela faced growing pains as their knowledge base expanded and user expectations evolved. Their challenges were threefold:

  1. Content Findability: Information was scattered across multiple silos, making it difficult for customers and support agents to locate relevant resources.
  2. Limited Insights: The team lacked visibility into content performance, hindering their ability to optimize for self-service success.
  3. Case Resolution Bottlenecks: Support agents wasted valuable time navigating disjointed systems to find the information they needed.

These issues were impacting not only support efficiency but also customer satisfaction and brand perception.

The Solution: A Unified, AI-Powered Approach

Accela partnered with SearchUnify to implement a comprehensive cognitive search solution that addressed these challenges head-on. Here’s how:

  • Unified Search Experience: SearchUnify broke down content silos, providing a single point of access to information from across Accela’s digital ecosystem.
  • AI-Powered Relevance: Powered by natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), SearchUnify ensures users find the most relevant information with every search.
  • Intelligent Facets and Filters: Streamlined navigation and intuitive filtering options empowered users to quickly refine their search results and pinpoint exactly what they needed.
  • Contextual Personalization: SearchUnify factored in user roles, past behavior, and other contextual cues to deliver a personalized experience that boosted findability and engagement.

The Results: A 99.7% Cost Saving and So Much More

The impact of Accela’s AI-powered search transformation was nothing short of remarkable. Here are some of the highlights:

  • 99.7% Support Cost Savings per User Interaction: Accela’s LLM-fueled SearchUnify Virtual Assistant (SUVA) revolutionized self-service, driving exceptional cost efficiencies.
  • 44% YoY Increase in Technical Knowledge Articles Published: SearchUnify empowered Accela to scale its knowledge base rapidly, providing customers with up-to-date information and resources.
  • 62.85% Average Stage 1 Case Deflection: By making it easier for customers to find answers on their own, Accela significantly reduced support tickets and freed up agents to focus on more complex issues.
  • 95.14% Average Month-on-Month Searches with Results to Total Searches: SearchUnify’s AI-powered relevance dramatically improved search accuracy, ensuring users found what they needed.
  • 3x Improvement in Customer Effort Score (CES): The enhanced search experience significantly reduced customer effort, leading to a dramatic improvement in satisfaction.

The Future: Elevating Support with Generative AI

Accela isn’t stopping there. They’re continuously exploring new ways to leverage AI and enhance the customer experience. Key initiatives include:

  • Direct Answers on Self-Service Portals via SearchUnifyGPT: Delivering concise, accurate answers instantly, further streamlining self-service.
  • Automated Case Routing: Utilizing AI to route cases to the most qualified agent based on skills and expertise.
  • GenAI-Fueled Knowledge Creation: Leveraging generative AI to expedite the creation of high-quality knowledge content.

The Takeaway: AI-Powered Search as a Strategic Imperative

Accela’s journey underscores the transformative power of AI-powered search for modern support organizations. By unifying content, improving findability, and leveraging the latest advancements in generative AI, Accela has not only streamlined support operations but also unlocked significant cost savings and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Ready to unlock similar results for your organization? Request a demo of SearchUnify today!

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