How To Boost Agent Productivity With Knowledge Audits?

How To Boost Agent Productivity With Knowledge Audits?

“If you don’t have a competitive advantage, don’t compete.”
~ Jack Welch

Today, organizations strive to gain a competitive edge. The most powerful tool for achieving this advantage is a comprehensive knowledge audit which is also a smart approach to managing knowledge. However, the challenge is as the knowledge base grows, the challenges to maintaining the same rise. Outdated content, information overload, and gaps in customer-facing resources become our roadblocks. That’s where knowledge audit enters the picture.

With knowledge audits, you get to evaluate all the information that your enterprise has – what’s useful, what’s outdated, and what’s missing. The goal is to make sure that knowledge is easy to find, organized, and available whenever you need it. However, manually conducting knowledge audits is error-prone and time-consuming.

To solve this problem, SearchUnify has introduced the world’s first ML and GenAI-fueled knowledge management solution to make the process smarter and faster.

What is a Knowledge Audit?

Suppose you’re a customer support agent who’s trying to resolve an issue for a frustrated customer. Now, you dive into the knowledge base, hoping to find a useful article, but it’s either outdated or hard to comprehend or worse with conflicting information and multiple duplicate articles. Sounds frustrating? That happens when knowledge isn’t properly and regularly reviewed.

Knowledge audits are comprehensive assessments of the knowledge base of your enterprise, and how it’s stored, managed, and utilized. Unlike a content audit, a knowledge audit dives deeper into understanding how that information can be leveraged by identifying gaps and uncovering efficiencies.

What’s the Purpose of a Knowledge Audit?

The purpose of a knowledge audit is to answer the following questions:

  • Where are the gaps in your knowledge base?
  • What are the knowledge requirements of your organization?
  • What resources are available, and how are they managed and stored?
  • How is information shared and transferred across the organization?
  • Does your organization follow a knowledge-sharing culture?
  • What are the roadblocks to preventing effective knowledge transfer?

Thus, a content audit might provide a view of what your organization has produced, but a knowledge audit goes further into evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of that information. It reveals not just what content exists, but how long it’s been applied, where it is falling short, and where improvements can be made to better meet the needs of the team.

The Problem – Outdated Content and Knowledge Overload

As enterprises grow, so do their knowledge repositories – documentation, training materials, support articles, FAQs and so much more. But, without regular knowledge audits, there’s a risk of information becoming obsolete or duplicated. Meaning that customer support agents will keep referring to the same old solutions. It leads to customers finding irrelevant information/content in their knowledge base. And, the problem does not resolve there.

Most enterprises fail to capture the voice of their customers in their content. Having said that, customer feedback and evolving needs are not reflected in the knowledge base, resulting in incomplete or inaccurate information.

Quick Fact: 70% of companies struggle with keeping their knowledge base updated, leading to longer resolution times and reduced customer satisfaction.

The Solution – How Knowbler Helps in Knowledge Audits?

Powered by advanced machine learning algorithms, Generative AI, and Large Language Models (LLMs), Knowbler empowers enterprises to capture, structure, find, reuse, improve, and optimize knowledge seamlessly within their workflows.

Here’s how Knowbler helps solve common knowledge management challenges:

Captures the Voice of the Customer (VoC)

The voice of the customer is the most important aspect of the self-service ecosystem. Most often enterprises overlook customer’s feedback while updating their knowledge base. Knowbler integrates the next-best action using its LLM-fueled article recommendation system to ensure that your knowledge base aligns with the customers.

Knowledge consumption analytics

Quicker Knowledge Creation

GenAI-driven auto-generation of content fuels knowledge creation. With pre-defined templates and auto-generated knowledge articles, Knowbler also allows human oversight with its control over article humanization features. Features like Knowledge creation opportunities indicate the opportunity to create and revise knowledge articles.

Knowledge creation opportunity analytics

Knowledge Fresh With Content Health Metrics

Content Health Metrics provides a comprehensive view of the health of the knowledge base by evaluating knowledge articles based on accuracy, usage, and relevance. With data-driven insights, you can prioritize which articles need updates and ensure that every part of your knowledge base aligns with the customer’s voice.

Knowledge Health Analytics leverages the power of machine learning to offer real-time insights into content health and standard:

  • Content Health Analytics: Each article is evaluated and scored based on uniqueness, completeness, content clarity, title accuracy, link validity, and metadata correctness.
  • Content Health Summary: Lists down the content health parameters with articles that fail to meet the criteria.
Content Health

Taming Information Overload

Knowbler uses article duplicacy flagging to automatically identify redundant content and reduce information overload for both customers and support agents.

  • KB Data Visualization: Fueled by LLM-powered rich insights, it visualizes the correlation between the cases logged and knowledge base data. It identifies overlaps between incoming cases and existing knowledge articles, to help map and address knowledge gaps effectively.

    The lack of overlap indicates that there is a dire need to create new knowledge for the respective case.

Case logged vs. Knowledge based data

  • Case Cluster Drive Article Topic Recommendation: An innovative feature that employs advanced case clustering algorithms to analyze data and uncover patterns by grouping similar cases into distinct clusters. By examining these clusters and their overlapping with the existing knowledge articles, Knowbler’s Intelligent Insights dashboard generates actionable recommendations for new topics. This directly targets the identified knowledge gaps and empowers knowledge workers to strategically create content for enhanced customer satisfaction.
Case clusters

No More Outdated Information

Keeping content up-to-date and relevant is important for excellent customer support. With Knowbler’s content health review and intelligent analytics, you get to audit your knowledge base. Outdated articles are highlighted and you get to know which ones need updates. The real-time analytics track article performance and customer feedback to ensure that your team knows when it’s time for a refresh.

Moreover, knowledge contribution analytics check if the knowledge was linked to the cases along with the article linkage accuracy. That’s how it helps support managers ensure proper training resources for their agents and provide them with insights on which knowledge needs edits or revisions.

Say goodbye to stale content with Knowbler!

Knowledge Contribution Analytics

Ready To Simplify Knowledge Audits With Knowbler?

SearchUnify Knowbler is an intelligent, knowledge-centered customer service product designed to streamline knowledge creation and maintenance. By leveraging Knowbler, enterprises can perform smarter, quicker, and more accurate knowledge audits.


  • A well-structured up-to-date knowledge base that boosts agent efficiency, reduces operational costs, and drives customer satisfaction.
  • Enterprises using Knowbler observed a 100% increase in agent participation and over an 80% reduction in the time to create new knowledge.

See how Knowbler helped companies like Automation Anywhere and Syntellis achieve exceptional results.

Request a demo to see how Knowbler simplifies your workflow and keeps your knowledge base in top shape.