Is Ecosystem Tracking for You?

Is Ecosystem Tracking for You?

Here at SearchUnify, we love giving our clients good news. I mean, duh! What B2B company doesn’t, right? I’ll be the first to admit, though, that sometimes our data doesn’t exactly paint a complete picture.

Stay with me. If you were a SearchUnify customer, what would you make of this customer journey map? It represents a month’s worth of data in a Marketing-owned Community.

Is Ecosystem Tracking for You Inner

Check out those numbers! Every last session that involved a search and a click or a direct pageview exited from your Community. In other words, not a single one proceeded to your case creation form. Congratulations! Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

Err…wait. Really?

Ah, no. Not really.

Then why does it say zero Support Sessions?

My friend, the confusion you’re experiencing is the result of a now-past tracking limitation that we had in our session analytics.

Before our Mamba 23* release, if our clients had a search client in their Community and a different search client in their Support Portal, where their case creation form also lived, they didn’t have true insight into the total number of sessions that went onto create a case after their customers engaged with their content. In the Support Portal, they could see that engagements resulted in some percent of exits and some percent of case creation form visits, but all engagements in the Community appeared to exit without visiting support. This is because we only had the ability to track customer movement within the same domain – i.e., the same website – so if our clients’ customers moved onto their Support Portal after engaging in their Community, they’d never know. Of course our analytics logged the new activity in the Support Portal, but they did so under a different session ID, so our clients had no way of connecting the dots – except through manual analysis.

But now – Drum roll, please! – the customer-facing property that doesn’t contain the case creation form need no longer be in the dark. Everyone is invited to the Customer Journey Party!

Here’s how it works:

SearchUnify admins can create an Ecosystem to roll up the sessions of two or more search clients into one view.

  • On a macro level, in the Session Analytics Overview chart, our clients can see the activities within the combined sessions of their Community and Support Portal and do a quick calculation of the percent of sessions that go on to create a case, as well as the percent that don’t.
  • On a micro level, clients can go into individual sessions within Session Tracking – Details and see each activity from beginning to end, from one site to the other, within the same session.

    • We also added a Search Client column to the Ecosystem version of the Session Tracking – Details report so that our admins can tell where each activity takes place.

Intrigued? Request a demo! A member of our Sales team will happily show you what you’re missing.

*Mamba 23 was our last twice-yearly release. Thus our 5-year tradition has come to an end. We are now on a monthly cycle and are super excited for this new era.

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