Learn how query classification works. The post also explains how cognitive engines classify user queries to ameliorate search experience & findability.
KCS is taking the customer service world by storm. But after the initial kick-off, many firms leave the knowledge management programs hanging. Wondering why? This blog post explains.
In data mining, hierarchical clustering is a way of segregating objects. Agglomerative & Divisive are the two types of clustering. Read on to know more about it.
Can’t put your finger on why your firm is struggling with DCX? This post reveals four factors that could be at pulling you down.
Achieve support equilibrium by minimizing agents' time spent on known issues and empowering them with information to resolve new incidents. How? Here are five easy ways:
Lowering Average Speed to Answer (ASA) can be an insurmountable task for many contact centers. But not anymore! With SearchUnify & AI added to your tech stack, supercharge your agent productivity and CX.
The community of practice; in knowledge management is making a comeback to rescue industries from emerging global challenges. This blog post explains how.
Learn why case deflection is facing flak & why organizations need to give up age-old self-service approach. The post also covers 3 CX metrics you need to track!
Cognitive technology maximizes content findability & usability of your content documentation developed with MadCap Flare. This post explains.
The shift to digital-first has resulted in a myriad of managerial challenges around engagement & UX. This post reveals how cognitive technology can help overcome them.
Extend the capabilities of your Joomla website with SearchUnify. it unifies siloed data, retrieves relevant content for an elevated UX. Read more here.
Virtual learning setting brought a ton of hurdles for educators in the higher education sector. This post unveils how cognitive technology combats them like a pro.