Chat or Command: A Comparative Guide to Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Tired of the constant interchangeability of “chatbot” and “virtual assistant”? You’re not alone! If you’ve found yourself thinking they’re two peas in an AI pod, we’re here to set the record straight.

While it might seem like these terms are just fancy aliases for the same digital solution, the reality is a tech-tale of two entities with distinct histories and advancements. Chatbots have been weaving their magic for quite some time, paving the way for the newer, technologically evolved Virtual Assistants (VA).

It’s time to dispel the myth of interchangeability and discover the exciting contrasts that make each of these a force to be reckoned with.

To view this infographic in high resolution, click here.

The GenAI Roadmap: Navigating the Future Beyond 2024

The Chatbot Evolution

Did you know that the world’s first chatbot was invented in 1966? Or that there was a chatbot designed to exhibit signs of someone suffering from paranoia?

If you wish to read more chatbot-related facts and how they evolved over-time, we have just the infographic for you! Happy reading!