SearchUnify Deploys Boomslang ‘18 to Pave Way for More Cognitive Insights

We are proud to announce the successful deployment of SearchUnify’s latest iteration – Boomslang ‘18. It brings in a number of functional and cosmetic enhancements which aim to make SearchUnify’s console more rewarding, robust, and user-friendly.
This post aims to outline all the major additions, enhancements, and upgrades brought forward by the release. Without further ado, let’s jump right into it:

Insight Engine

To begin with, Boomslang further enhances our core insight engine to offer more in terms of actionable business insights. We have made a number of nifty changes under the hood which empower enterprise growth and customer success.
All three core technologies namely AI, machine learning, and NLP now work in harmony to ensure only problem-solving pieces find their way to the end users. There are a few more tweaks such as intelligent recommendations which allow customers to deliver streamlined user experience.

Cognitive Capabilities

Staying true to our roots, we decided to amp up the cognitive power of the solution. Controlling search results has always been one of the key requirements of our customers. While AI & machine learning automate the delivery of useful results, organizations can also take the matter into their hands with the more powerful and capable manual boosting. Furthermore, there are many other handy additions such as stop words management which ensure results fall in line with query and restrict the flow of unavailing pieces to the users.

User Interface

We have overhauled the entire interface and given it a fresh, lively, and interactive new look. And no, the changes are not purely aesthetic. We have also altered the forms inside the console to make them more user-centric, convenient, and intuitive.

Other Advances

It doesn’t end here. There are a bunch of other changes as well to add functionality and deliver a better user experience. These include:

  1. Upgraded Search Analytics
  1. Added support for 9 new repositories
  1. Restructured Search Client
  1. Added support for mobile devices
  1. And Customizable Dashboard


To put it simply, Boomslang ‘18 brings a slew of changes which takes the console to a whole new level. It introduces a number of big-ticket additions along with many handy improvements which enhance usability, facilitate decision making, and contribute towards a more fluid user experience. To experience the beefed up SearchUnify, request for a free demo now.