SearchUnify Recommended in TSIA’s Report on Chatbots as “Best-of-Breed” Provider

Sunnyvale, CA | April 29, 2020 – SearchUnify, an award-winning cognitive search platform, was recently cited in a Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) report on chatbots. It reveals how chatbots are making a comeback with artificial intelligence by their side.

The report meticulously reviews the first-gen chatbots and outlines some limitations. What discouraged the adoption of rule-based bots was the dependence on “answer pairs.”

“This meant companies programmed a bot with questions customers would ask, in addition to responses to those questions. For example, a customer could ask the question, ‘Why can’t I log in to my user ID?’, to which the chatbot would respond with a link to a page where customers can reset their password,” writes TSIA.

The authors note, “The problem with this (pair-based) approach is that customers rarely asked the expected questions, or the questions were phrased differently or misspelled, and the most frequent chatbot response was, ‘I do not understand your question. Please rephrase and try again.’ Clearly, this created frustration for many of the customers trying to troubleshoot products and hindered the likelihood of them self-servicing going forward.”

This is where AI & its building blocks like machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) step into the picture. They empower chatbots to be more accurate than before and add a myriad of new capabilities that enrich the interactions.

After a quick rundown of the new frontiers where bots are being deployed and some common mistakes enterprises make, the authors pick the biggest question which members frequently ask from TSIA i.e. “Should our organization invest in chatbots?”

The report then promptly points out that organizations using intelligent search for self-service might face some pushback for investment in chatbots. “To avoid significant delays, we recommend looking for solution providers who offer both products, eliminating much of the confusion for IT. SearchUnify is an example of such a company, offering both unified intelligent search and chatbot products.”

Finally, TSIA also suggests opting for “best-of-breed” providers like SearchUnify as they, “… include language libraries and packaged AI/ML to allow rapid implementations and good results without a team of data scientists on staff. Going with solution providers frees up much-needed company resources for business leaders, allowing them to better focus on people, process, and company culture.”

Being called out by TSIA—one of the biggest and most renowned tech associations—is a huge acknowledgment of the platform.

SearchUnify’s CEO, Alok Ramsisaria, states, “This is a huge validation for the team as we introduced virtual assistants less than two years ago. Standing out among vendors who’ve been in the industry for over a decade is really encouraging! It proves we’re on the right track. We hope to continue making strides with many more clients benefiting from our solution.”

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive search platform that revolutionizes information discovery, fuels an insight engine, and makes for a robust platform for AI-based apps like customer-facing and agent-assist chatbots. Its AI powers relevant and personalized search results for customers, partners, and employees across industries including e-commerce, high tech, education, pharmaceuticals, and banking and insurance. It indexes disparate content repositories, makes relevant content easily discoverable (on online communities, sites, customer portals, service consoles) and provides advanced insights into user search behavior, content usability, and content gaps – all while self-learning to personalize and keep responses within the context and ensuring the security of the enterprise data.

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