TSIA and SearchUnify Team Up for a Webinar on Crafting “Human-in-the-loop” GenAI Agent Desktops

Mountain View, CA | August 5, 2024 – Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA), the leading research organization for technology companies, and SearchUnify, a leading unified cognitive platform provider, announced a joint webinar aimed at helping support leaders navigate the evolving landscape of GenAI-powered support experiences.

The webinar, “Crafting “Human-in-the-loop” GenAI Agent Desktops: Practical Considerations and Use Cases for Support Leaders,” is scheduled for 11AM PST on August 29th.

As consumer experiences become more immersive, support interactions are increasing in value and complexity. Large Language Models (LLMs) offer an opportunity for enriched customer engagement but also bring up challenges for support leaders in terms of fine-tuning for specific use cases, ensuring relevance and security, and building a business case for adoption.

Key discussion points will include:

  • Are ready-made LLM applications suitable for support enterprises? Will they offer a relevant, quality, and secure support experience?
  • How can LLMs be customized to handle use cases specific to individual support functions and customer profiles?
  • Which Generative AI use cases should support functions start experimenting with?
  • How can businesses build a case for advanced LLM adoption in technical customer support?
  • How can businesses navigate the data security and legal risks of building an automated LLM-fueled agent desktop?

“Support leaders are facing a perfect storm — increasing customer expectations and increasingly complex products to support,” said John Ragsdale, Distinguished VP, Technology Ecosystems, TSIA. ” This webinar will dive into how LLMs can help, but also address the very real challenges around tailoring these technologies to deliver real business value in a safe and responsible way.”

“While the transformative potential of GenAI for customer support is undeniable, many businesses are grappling with the practical aspects of implementation,” said Vishal Sharma, Chief Technology Officer, SearchUnify. “This webinar will equip attendees with actionable insights and use cases to effectively leverage this technology and craft exceptional support experiences.”

Registration for “Crafting “Human-in-the-loop” GenAI Agent Desktops: Practical Considerations and Use Cases for Support Leaders” is now open. To reserve your spot, please visit: https://bit.ly/3Wz71u8

About TSIA

The Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) is the world’s leading research organization dedicated to helping technology companies achieve profitable growth and success. TSIA provides its members with research, data, and tools to help them optimize their business models, improve their operations, and drive revenue growth. For more information, visit TSIA .

About SearchUnify

SearchUnify is a unified cognitive platform, by Grazitti Interactive, and is built on a machine learning and insights engine. The platform boasts a suite of AI-powered products, including Cognitive Search, SearchUnify Virtual Assistant (SUVA), Agent Helper, Escalation Predictor, Knowledge Enabler (Knowbler), and Community Helper. Leading enterprises globally rely on SearchUnify for revolutionizing information discovery and elevating support outcomes.

For more information, visit SearchUnify

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