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Elevate CSAT by lowering caseload, turnaround & resolution time

SearchUnify for <br>Support

Scale Your Support Ecosystem with AI

Harness the power of AI-driven relevance, deep analytics & seamless accessibility to transform knowledge discovery and use in your support org


Enables Intelligent Case Prioritization

Irrespective of how airtight your customer service is, sometimes escalation is inevitable. So, how can you flag the cases likely to escalate? Integrating AI-fueled apps like Escalation Predictor can make it happen. It analyzes a multitude of factors, including customer journey, user sentiment, and type of query to identify cases near the red mark. Thereafter, it forewarns agents regarding the likelihood of escalations so that they can nip the problem in the bud.

Enables Intelligent Case Prioritization
Facilitates Automatic and Efficient Case Assignment

Facilitates Automatic and Efficient Case Assignment

Inappropriate case assignment is like playing time-consuming routing roulette—a gamble that could go wrong. SearchUnify’s advanced insights engine and self-learning ML model factors in agent expertise, past cases resolved, customer data ticket priority, etc. Its NLP and NLU algorithms further discern user intent. Ultimately, the baton is passed to the most suitable agent after matching urgency and the query with their skills and proficiency.

Empowers Support Agents to Resolve Queries Faster

When enterprise knowledge is scattered across communities, knowledge bases, portals, etc., it becomes daunting for the support engineers to quickly scout for case-resolving information. SearchUnify unifies all the data trapped across silos to tame the data beast and provides a connected experience. It then wields machine learning to glean insights into customer behavior and retrieve relevant results which, in turn, elevate FCR and CSAT.

Empowers Support Agents to Resolve Queries Faster
Promotes a Culture of Knowledge Sharing & Case Swarming

Promotes a Culture of Knowledge Sharing & Case Swarming

The clock for resolving a ticket starts ticking right when a customer raises it. To expedite this process, SearchUnify’s Agent Helper helps find relevant information and collaborate. It not only populates similar solved cases from the past but also suggests top subject matter experts (SMEs) on complex issues, should the agent ever find themselves mired. As a result, they can solve incoming cases effortlessly and reduce the AHT.

Personalizes Support Interactions with User Journey Insights

Users today want more specific responses, not a one-size-fits-all solution. With SearchUnify, your service reps can see the complete user journey prior to ticket creation. This provides visibility into what the user looked for and already tried so that the support teams can better gauge the issue and swiftly identify an effective solution. As a result, the customer experience and CSAT scores go up.

Personalizes Support Interactions with User Journey Insights
Propels Knowledge Creation and Reuse

Propels Knowledge Creation and Reuse

More often than not, employees struggle to seamlessly create, access, and reuse knowledge. Cognitive apps like KCS Enabler ensure knowledge creation and reuse become a part of their workflows. For starters, it populates new articles on a predesigned template as a by-product of agents’ resolutions for undocumented issues. Naturally, when a similar case arrives again, the KCS article can be attached and reused. What’s more, agents can also edit existing articles with any additional information about a known issue.

Expedites Support Delivery with Agent-Assist Chatbots

SearchUnify’s intelligent chatbot takes the agent experience up several notches. Built on top of a enterprise agentic platform, it uses unsupervised learning to accurately determine user intent and context. It acts as an inline assistant that connects with all content repositories to offer agents a unified view of information. Leveraging natural language processing, it can even proactively suggest helpful content for the current case, thus helping speed things up.

Expedites Support Delivery with Agent-Assist Chatbots
Provides Actionable Insights into Content Gaps

Provides Actionable Insights into Content Gaps

If you want your agents to operate at full tilt, they enable them. SearchUnify’s robust insights engine can lend a helping hand. It bundles comprehensive reports like Searches with No Clicks, Searches with No Results, Sessions with Unsuccessful Searches, etc., to help quantify content consumption which, in turn, informs the content strategy and remediates any content gaps.

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